作者EZ78 (EZ78)
標題[外絮] 快艇與PG(及勇士)的協商如何改變了快艇
時間2024-11-07 10:05:40
懶得全翻 所以就抓重點節錄
The Clippers felt as if they were one of the first teams forced to react to
the new CBA second apron sanctions. Luxury tax-paying teams such as the
Clippers and the Golden State Warriors face additional penalties beyond just
increasing tax bills if they go into the second apron. Being that deep into
the tax can cost teams access to the $5 million taxpayer midlevel exception,
the ability to aggregate salaries in trades and even potentially freeze
first-round picks seven years out and move a first-round pick to the end of
the first round.
The Suns blazed past the second apron, becoming the first $400 million team
in salaries and projected tax, but they have a star in his prime in Devin
Booker. With three aging stars, Ballmer had to come to grips with the fact he
couldn't build around or beyond the trio because of the second apron.
星Devin Booker還在顛峰。Ballmer必須接受因為第二層硬上限帶著三名高齡球星的快艇不
反正就是PG之前的東西 PG要NTC或4年頂薪 快艇只願意給3年普通合約
"We wanted Paul back," Ballmer said. "We made him a big offer. We really
wanted him here. We just wanted to not put ourselves in a position where we
can't consistently be good. We offered them the max for three years and
Philly offered them the max for four years. OK, I get it. But in terms of our
trajectory and staying really good, it was really going to be an issue for us.
"The truth is, with Paul not coming back, we were able to upgrade our team.
We don't [sign] Derrick Jones Jr. if Paul comes back. We don't [sign] Kris
Dunn, [or have] our new defensive identity. Might not have [signed] Kevin
Porter Jr., Nico [Batum]. ... You could say, well, they're not Paul George.
No, they're not Paul George."
不能簽Derrick Jones Jr.;我們不能簽Kris Dunn來建立我們的防守身分。我們不能簽
Kevin Porter Jr.(這個好像不影響就是),Nico Batum...但是即使如此你還是可以說他們
不是Paul George。不,他們的確不是Paul George。」
The Clippers felt that if they had kept all three stars, the CBA would've put
a stranglehold on their ability to add players who could do some of the
necessary lifting around the trio, especially as Leonard and George aged.
Being a second apron team could also cost the Clippers a first-round pick,
something they need for any potential trade for a star in the future.
"Once your pick becomes frozen, [and] if you're in the second apron for
multiple years, you're really f---ed," Lawrence Frank, president of
basketball operations, told ESPN. "You're in a situation where you never have
cap space and you never have your midlevel exception and you're just strictly
dealing with minimums and trades. Our goal is we want to be a sustainable
Lawrence Frank說:「如果你在第二層硬上限以上而讓你的選秀權被凍結,那是真的糟透了
The Warriors and Clippers engaged in talks about a potential George opt-in
for the final year of his contract worth $48.7 million and then a trade. The
Clippers were willing to make a deal with their division rival, according to
sources, but were looking for something of value to help restock their asset
cupboard if they were going to take back an undesirable contract and be in
the second apron.
Swapping George for Andrew Wiggins, who has three years and $85 million left
on a four-year, $109 million deal, plus other salaries to make the math work,
would have been acceptable only if the Clippers received a young player such
as Jonathan Kuminga or Brandin Podziemski and a pick or two.
用George換來4年109M合約還有三年85M的Andrew Wiggins,加上一些其他薪水來平衡交易
,快艇會接受這個方案,但前提是能得到像Jonathan Kuminga或Brandin Podziemski這樣
Draymond Green said on his "Draymond Green Show" podcast earlier this summer
that George wanted to join the Warriors and that he was surprised the
Clippers would not at least take something back instead of letting George
walk for nothing.
Draymond Green在他的個人Podcast上曾經說過George想要加入勇士但他很驚訝快艇寧可讓
But league sources say Kuminga's name never seriously came up in talks of any
significance and the Clippers felt they weren't getting enough positive
assets to move forward in this new second apron world.
"Nothing," a league source told ESPN, "is better than something."
反正就是 因為第二層硬上限的緣故 變成空氣都比收勇士(或是金塊)的包裹好
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→ Chanlin01 : 本來就是變空氣比較好 收了那些臭臭包也爭冠無望阿 11/07 10:07
→ Chanlin01 : 還把自己卡在第2層 傻勒 11/07 10:07
推 c27932589 : 勇士我記得三小將都不出吧 那就真的不如換空氣 11/07 10:08
→ Chanlin01 : 4年簽PG也是不可能 一眼到頭的陣容也無法拿慣 11/07 10:08
→ c27932589 : 至少還有靈活性 11/07 10:08
推 Asterix: 隔壁桌的人竟然在討論包養... 11/07 10:08 → EZ78 : 有出Moody啦 但就只肯給Moody 11/07 10:08
推 c27932589 : Moody….感覺跟咖啡沒差多少 11/07 10:09
推 onionandy : 影響最大的還是七年後的籤凍結交易+強制墊底吧 11/07 10:10
推 AtDe : 反正有留下可愛,PG 就送給需要的隊伍吧 11/07 10:10
→ onionandy : 這會讓交易籌碼價值大幅度下降 11/07 10:10
推 AdamShi: 樓上是不是被包養 11/07 10:10 推 highwayshih : NBA很難讓鈔能力有發揮空間 11/07 10:10
→ Chanlin01 : 拿了一堆臭臭約還沒潛力+被卡在第二層 又不是傻了 11/07 10:11
→ highwayshih : 老闆有錢到一個程度之後就眾生平等了 11/07 10:11
推 sony0223098 : 第二層太恐怖 air比醬包好多了 11/07 10:11
推 ilanese : 錢才是真的…… 11/07 10:11
推 lezabo: 未看先猜這包養網 11/07 10:11 推 yueyi313 : 有錢老闆跟綠想的不一樣!快艇從來沒有不想拿東西 11/07 10:11
→ yueyi313 : 回來,但也沒有要給S球星又幫忙收爛攤子的概念!大 11/07 10:11
→ yueyi313 : 概只有勇士敢開這種價碼了! 11/07 10:11
→ c27932589 : 而且當時Moody還沒續約 怎麼續也很麻煩 11/07 10:12
→ Chanlin01 : 不過這之前不是也討論過了 結論就是變空氣都比較好 11/07 10:14
推 silberger: 一定又是這包養網 11/07 10:14 → EZ78 : ESPN好像是訪了Ballmer+Frank之後乾脆出了篇完整的 11/07 10:15
推 bypetty : 雀食 至少保持空間未來能簽巨星 11/07 10:15
→ EZ78 : 不然我之前看到的消息其實相對蠻碎片的 到處聽 11/07 10:15
推 dati : 球團的想法就是寧可看不到奪冠的窗口也不要變成萬年 11/07 10:17
→ dati : 魚南y 11/07 10:17
推 xayile: 包養平台不意外 11/07 10:17 → onionandy : 不會有"簽"巨星的空間= = 基本上絕大多數球隊都沒有 11/07 10:18
噓 foxlula : 還好沒給蛹士拿到PG 快艇幹得好 11/07 10:18
→ dati : 而且萬年魚南還沒任何坦籤的價值~因為籤都是30 11/07 10:18
→ Chanlin01 : 至少破船在PG變空氣之後有嘗試補人降低傷害 11/07 10:22
→ Chanlin01 : 反正我是覺得這操作沒什麼問題就是了lol 11/07 10:25
推 cazo: 覺得包養網EY嗎 11/07 10:25 → dati : Frank的PlanB幾乎滿分,沒有因PG出走開坦 11/07 10:25
→ dati : 話說坦了也沒啥用處~籤在雷霆那 11/07 10:25
→ micbrimac : 空氣確實比垃圾包好XDD 11/07 10:31
推 asd860079 : 真是奢侈的煩惱 反觀隔壁如果把巨星變空氣一定被臭 11/07 10:40
→ asd860079 : 爛lol 11/07 10:40
推 izilo: 包養網站葉配啦 11/07 10:40 → deadair : 沒有小將包 我幹嘛自找麻煩 11/07 11:05
推 candbilly153: 狗眼看人低真以為丟包垃圾快艇就會吞 11/07 11:57
推 whhw : 推 11/07 12:56
推 plan1 : 給可愛續約當下我就覺得糗了… 11/07 17:41