@anthonyVslater Andrew Wiggins will return for the Warriors tomorrow in Houston and will be back in the starting lineup, per Kerr. 圍巾會在明天作客火箭之戰回歸先發。by Kerr @anthonyVslater Steph Curry will participate in parts of practice tonight in Houston, I’m told. Starting now. Out tomorrow. But re-evaluated on Sunday. Sounds like he could theoretically return on Monday at Wizards. Curry會於明日在休士頓加入練習。明天不會上,但會在星期天重新評估聽起來理論上他會在美國時間週一對巫師隊回歸。 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPad -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址:
Chanlin01 : 排骨便當暫時停售☺☺ 11/02 09:24
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chenliu0716 : 穩了,五個字,勇士賽程軟 11/02 10:14
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