想請問一段Michael 的獨白在哪一集 還是yt有片段之類的 大意是:(忘了差不多了,憑感覺寫) 我的願望很簡單 只要活到100歲 有一個愛我的妻子和3個小孩 no worry for money...(下略) it's very simple 有人知道這一段嗎xD ----- Sent from JPTT on my Google Pixel 6 Pro. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-club.com.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://ptt-club.com.tw/EAseries/M.1714803847.A.EAE
boris0610: (1分30秒) 05/04 15:13
boris0610: 或是 「Yes. Money has been a little bit tight latel 05/04 15:13
boris0610: y, but at the end of my life, when I'm sitting on m 05/04 15:13
boris0610: y yacht, am I gonna be thinking about how much mone 05/04 15:13
Y949731: 一定又是這包養 05/04 15:13
boris0610: y I have? No. I'm gonna be thinking about how many 05/04 15:13
boris0610: friends I have and my children and my comedy albums 05/04 15:13
boris0610: .」 這段我剛好找不到影片 05/04 15:13
FeverPitch: sitting on my yacht...www 05/05 02:44