新聞連結:https://reurl.cc/EGE7ZA The top 10 Android phones list on the Antutu is an exciting battleground for t he latest Android smartphones, showcasing interesting movements in trends acro ss the Android ecosystem. Now updated for the month of April, the new list has seen yet another fresh batch of movements, although the shift in rankings thi s month is somewhat less drastic than in many other previous months. ASUS, after a rather noticeable absence from the charts last month, is back in the fray by topping the chart with its latest generation ROG Phone. Strangely , however, the still-new flagship from Vivo has dropped out of the list entire ly — not featuring at any point on this list. As with every month, there are minor score overhauls for all the smartphones on this list, although the overa ll ranks of the smartphones have remained consistent. On this note, here’s lo oking at the top 10 Android smartphones on Antutu, for the month of April 2023 . 個別機款介紹恕刪,有興趣的人再自行去原文看 2023/4 安兔兔Android跑分排行 https://i.imgur.com/Z0ThJ4U.jpg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt-club.com.tw), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://ptt-club.com.tw/MobileComm/M.1683875974.A.483
zjeff1: 子龍一騎絕塵05/12 15:29
WOGEchidna: 中國電競手機品牌也只剩紅魔了,ROG背後支撐的華碩實 05/12 15:32
WOGEchidna: 力太雄厚05/12 15:32
ayuhb: 只有華碩用心,其他的都噱頭05/12 15:40
rz759: 眼睛>華碩本家,讚05/12 15:41
TUZom: 包養網到底在紅什麼?05/12 15:41
jay0215: 華碩走出一條屬於自己的路了很不錯!反觀 05/12 15:45
wmdlifecoba: 高通的Soc性能天花板就靠ROG展示了05/12 15:55
iMElLoN: 聯想不是也放棄電競機市場了?只能說這塊沒想像中大,況 05/12 16:27
iMElLoN: 且還要求到旗艦的更是少之又少 05/12 16:27
LoveShibeInu: 效能是一回事 ROG強在他脚本或掛機功能 05/12 16:33
Jiulon: 有人被包養 05/12 16:33
lee255215: ROG真D猛05/12 16:54
bizozi968: ROG ROG ROG ROG05/12 17:22
darktasi: 華碩還不是虧錢05/12 19:01
coneflwer: 哀鳳幾分05/12 19:27
Ereinion9895: 看就知道不準,最頂的iPhone 居然不在榜上。一定都05/12 19:59
laetuon: 求包養...管飽就好XD05/12 19:59
Ereinion9895: 是卓卓安慰自己的娛樂榜。要看就要看最公正的appl05/12 19:59
Ereinion9895: ebench05/12 19:59
wowbenny: 撇除ROG幾年前瘋狂舔共的言論與立場,他們在電競手機這05/12 20:15
wowbenny: 一塊可以算是真正的取得不錯成績並走出自己一條路的廠05/12 20:15
wowbenny: 商了。 05/12 20:15
slot365: 阿姨!我不想努力了(求包養) 05/12 20:15
NSYSUEE: ROG只能把硬體搞的很強,但是軟體完全不行,照相的 05/12 20:30
NSYSUEE: 算法跟算命一 05/12 20:30
NSYSUEE: 樣,有跟沒有一樣 05/12 20:30
s87879961: 但華碩手機部門走的差不多了 剩下少少人繼續做而已05/12 20:34
NSYSUEE: 用硬體撐起來的產品當然不太需要太多人啊,所有的 05/12 20:38
colortea: 有沒有富二代要包養 05/12 20:38
NSYSUEE: 元件都湊好就差 05/12 20:38
NSYSUEE: 不多了,相機不需要研發,買硬體模組裝起來就好 05/12 20:38